Keski-Pohjanmaan kesäyliopisto

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424056 Terapeuttinen parisuhdeohjaaja (30 op), etä

  • ti-ke 29.-30.10.2024
  • ti-ke 19.-20.11.2024
  • ti-ke 17.-18.12.2024
  • ti-ke 14.-15.1.2025
  • ke-to 12.-13.2.2025
  • ti-ke 18.-19.3.2025
  • ti-ke 15.-16.4.2025
  • ke-to 14.-15.5.2025
  • ke-to 11.-12.6.2025

Koulutuspäivien kesto on klo 9.00–16.00.

Number of places: Maximum number of course participants 4, There are available places on the course.

Name of course location: Webinaari / Etäkoulutus
Language: Finnish

Term: 29.10.2024 - 11.4.2025

Price: 2850,00 €

Ects credits: 30.00

Enrollment begins: 20.3.2024 0.00

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